Will I gain weight back in other places on my body after liposuction? Can I really have this done on my lunch break? Will my results be instantaneous?
A lot of us find ourselves toying with the above questions in addition to countless others when considering liposuction surgery. So what is the real “skinny” on the liposuction procedure?
Let’s start with the question about results: Liposuction is designed to enhance overall shape and contour by targeting specific “problem” areas. Liposuction is most commonly done along the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and back; it can also be performed effectively on the lower legs, chin/neckline, and arms.
Although results will be instantaneous, there is some post-operative swelling that will subside over the following weeks. We typically recommend that patients wear a surgical compression garment for 2 weeks and then transition to a Spanx-type of garment for an additional month – garment-wearing reduces swelling and helps to ensure the best cosmetic results.
As to whether the fat returns in other body areas, liposuction is an excellent modality to target problem areas but is not a permanent solution to undesirable weight. Patients who have the best liposuction results maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and eating habits before and after surgery. Liposuction will work to reduce the number of fat cells in a particular area. It is true that if a patient gains weight after surgery, it may gravitate to other areas of the body that did not tend to gain weight before. Maintaining post-surgery weight is key to long-term results.
Liposuction does not typically require much downtime, but a lunch break is definitely pushing it! Liposuction can be performed using local anesthesia to numb only the target area, without actual sedation. However, post-procedure pain and discomfort, while minimal, should be expected. More commonly, liposuction is done under oral or IV sedation, which is generally more comfortable for the patient. The decision as to which anesthesia is best for you will be made by your plastic surgeon based on the number of areas you wish to have treated, the volume of fat that will be removed, and your desire for comfort.
Come in today to meet with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to see if you are a candidate for liposuction!